Buy-Here, Pay-Here Underwriting Workshop

Thursday, February 16, 2023 (10:00 AM - 4:30 PM) (EST)


Determining who to make loans to is a critical factor in the success of a buy-here, pay-here or lease-here, pay-here business. Making the wrong decisions can cause you considerable collection work and expense. On the other hand, sound underwriting can help you avoid lending to the wrong customer, reduce charge-offs, and build your cash flow.

NIADA's Underwriting Workshop is a highly interactive workshop delivered Live Online via Zoom to minimize time away from the dealership. 

By the end of this training, you will be able to: 

  1. Identify the three strengths of good underwriting. 
  2. Develop procedures for verifying customer information and consistent decision-making. 
  3. Analyze the ability of your customer to pay based on accurate financial data. 
  4. Leverage underwriting scoring models to help make the tough decisions. 

About your instructor

This class is led by Industry expert Bill Elizondo, NIADA Senior 20 Group Moderator, Trainer, and Consultant. Bill has spent over 31 years training and leading high-achieving sales teams, collections, and operations in the subprime and BHPH markets, including highly successful tenures with the nation's largest publicly traded BHPH organization, America's Car-Mart and Superior Auto. Bill's leadership and expert understanding of every BHPH discipline significantly improved operational performance at every stop.

  • $299 NIADA Members & 20 Group Members
  • $269 NIADA Members Groups 2+ (must be from the same store)
  • $395 Non-members

NIADA Members & 20 Group Members receive special pricing for education, training, and events. To learn more about NIADA member benefits, visit

Via Zoom
Thursday, February 16, 2023 (10:00 AM - 4:30 PM) (EST)

There will be a 1-hour break for lunch.

Dealer Education
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